An international day and boarding school for ages 2-18 in Lusaka, Zambia
Queries and Concerns

Queries and Concerns

Contacts for parents’ queries are listed on this page

We are committed to respond efficiently to your queries and to address any concerns promptly. Form and class teachers should be the first point of contact relating to day to day queries. There may be an occasion, however, when parents wish to address a specific query or concern to an individual member of staff. To this end, please find here below the names and contacts for staff who are who are able to resolve your concerns.

Senior Leadership Team

Mr Jon Turner, Vice Principal Academics, [email protected]

Mrs Laura Stokes, Vice Principal Pastoral Care, [email protected]

For general enquiries and for appointments with the Vice Principals and Heads of School contact +260 966 876804

Ms Heather Steele, School Secretary, [email protected]

Ms Catherine Mulenga, PA to the Principal, [email protected]

Primary School queries:

Mrs Claire Sauter, Head of Primary,[email protected]

Mrs Sauter will address any concerns in the primary schools that cannot be handled by the class teacher.

Middle School  queries:

Mrs Alison Hulme, Head of Middle School, [email protected]

Mrs  Hulme  will address any concerns in the Middle Schools that cannot be handled by the class teacher.

Senior School queries:

Mrs Melanie Benzon, Head of Senior School, [email protected]

Mrs Benzon will answer queries relating to the Senior School.


Ms Chalwe Chilupula, [email protected], Call/Whatsapp +260 760 689355

Parents may contact the finance team for any queries related to the payment of fees, school trips, any other payments, or to request a payment plan on the above.